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TEST: FrFR3: 1S SPF3 EVO brushed FC + builtin FrSKY D8 receiver

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With the FrFR3, here is an new ultralight Flight controller based on the powerfull F3 ARM core supporting CleanFlight/Betaflight and also including a buitin FrSky D8 receiver. Cherry on the cake, FET are annouced to handle up to 10A so even compatible with “big” 10mmx20mm coreless brushed motors.


+ 1 x FrFR3
+ 1 x Powerlead cable with microLOSI connector
+ 1 x Foam pad with double tape


The CC2500 RFchip associated with the FrSky receiver is installed on top. Nearby a ATmega328p to control it.


For the 6-axis stabilization, instead of the classic invensense MPU 6050 we have here the MP65 806LD1


Notice the big cap here for the voltage regulation. It should help to filter out most interefences coming from motors if you decide to connect a AIO FPV cam module

Only one free UART port is available. At least you can connect a miniminimOSD with. The right port is more a buzzer one, with a +3.3V source


The binding must be done by jumping the two pads on the top right of the board. Use a metallic tweezer for example to proceed
There are also two pads to enter into boot mode if you need to rescue the firmware.

The other side welcomes the main ARM F3 MCU and the strong FET supporting 10A at peak… (probably some ic995 chm2310p chip variant)



It’s just great !!!! In one year, FET were able to handle max 4A… then 6.4A. Now we have 10A models…. It means, bigger/stronger motors can be installed




A 33mmx18mm board … Unfortunatly probably a little bit too large to fit a TinyWhoop/Eachine E010…





Just one word …. a super board ….all good and powerfull ingredients are here. Perfect for any 1S DIY mini brushed FPV machine or if you wand to replace advantegeously the FC of a toyquadcopter for this mode advanced one. Maybe we can expect a mini-version one day more adapted to tinywhoop ? One version with a builtin OSD should be great too…


+ 2.6g
+ Builtin FrSky D8 receiver
+ F3 processor
+ Compatible Cleanflight/Betaflight
+ Strong 10A FET


– Receiver firmware not supporting FrSky telemetry
– Only 1 free UART available
– No 2S support

This quadcopter have been courtesy provided by Banggood in order to make a fair and not biased review. I would like to thank them for this attitude.
You can find it actually for 29USD at http://www.banggood.com/Cheerson-CX-10C-CX10C-Mini-2_4G-4CH-6-Axis-RC-Quadcopter-with-Camera-RTF-p-989909.html

Cet article TEST: FrFR3: 1S SPF3 EVO brushed FC + builtin FrSKY D8 receiver est apparu en premier sur Drone-Maniac !!!!!!!.

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